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Friday, January 15, 2010

Cookbooks and the Night Owl in Me

It is after midnight and what I am doing? Well most certainly not sleeping...instead I am up thinking about my cookbooks.  Yep that is right you heard (read) me right- COOKBOOKS! You see I always have the greatest difficulty sleeping while my husband is away.  There is any little bump in the night and I am up and searching through the house for the master mind who has decided to come in and steal my cookies : ) Well you get the point.  Some would say I am a night owl.  Well yes, I guess I am...but not by choice.  You see I remember a time when I would be up bright and early and be at the park with the kids before the sun rose.  Yeah, I was that type of morning person- up and ready to take on the day.  What happened? Well, four kids later, homeschooling now, I am a military wife who spends many evenings listening for bumps in the night, and oh did I mention I am a full-time college student? Well, the last one (college student) is about to cease since I graduate in May 2010 after 6 long years of study I will have a Bachelor in Science with Psychology and Education.  So, what does all this have to do with being a night owl you may ask? Well, there is never enough time in the day and my day now spans way into the weeee hours of the morning (like 3 or later in the morning).  Some may call me wonder woman and say how do you do it all? Well, one day at a time and lots of caffeine (probably way more than one should consume).  But on top of it all why am I up thinking about cookbooks? Well, I have gathered many a cookbook in the last 12 years of being with my husband.  I have always loved trying new recipes (to the delight of my husband).  It seems almost overnight I have ran out of places to stash them all.  So, me being the organized junkie would love to put them up and just pull them out when needed but the other side of me- yes that is the "can't put it up without the fear of forgetting that I have them" side needs a remedy to remember just where that casserole recipe was... So, I am up at almost 1:00 a.m. now putting together a template to jot down recipes (by category), cookbooks where I found the recipe (with name and publication month), and page # where I might find that long lost recipe again before putting them away for millennium.  I feel like my Cookbooks are going into the Disney vault where I will not see them again for 10 years (or so) or they are being tossed into the vast abyss or the bottomless pit of the white rabbit hole.  So, I am off to write the recipes and then toss the books in with Alice with the ability to actually retrieve the cookbook when the need arises.  With the little sleep I go on...I may even see the White Rabbit along the way : )


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